About Me

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Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 20 - 22: Scenery, homework and the first full day of classes! Well, sort of...

Day 20: Saturday, March 14

Or: The One Where The Weather Took Me Up The Mountains.

Yes! You heard it right! I went hiking! :D So very against my nature, but I was sitting at my desk, and doing homework. And then I looked outside. And back at my homework. And back outside.

And then I gave up and left! :D The weather was so nice, I couldn't justify staying inside. :D

We live near a small caste (Schloss Amras) and I'd heard that it was very pretty up there so I took my camera and went on my way. And you know what? It was gorgeous. Seriously. :) Naturellement, I took a huge load of pictures, so prepare yourself for an onslaught of scenery! :D (20 pictures in total, of the 114 I took. :D)

Hope you enjoyed that. :) Lord knows it was hard enough to pick. :p I can't really describe how the forest and the castle were, just. Oh so beautiful. :D It's such an amazing experience to walk around there by myself, with my music keeping me company. :) I can wait to go up there again! :D With a better camera, hopefully. ^-^

So, that was Saturday afternoon!

Saturday evening we (most of the Erasmussers) went out for a drink in the city. :) Marketa's sister was in town for the weekend and she obviously wanted to experience the nightlife! It was fun, we went to a pub near das Goldenes Dachel. ;) Where, to our mortification, a few strange Polish men bought roses for us from a local salesman. :| And then they came to sit at our table! Luckily, our frosty attitude scared them off soon enough. :p And I got a couple of pretty flowers out of it! They are now drying in my room, which means my room smells like roses! Yay!

Now, on to Sunday...

Day 21: Sunday, March 15

Sunday was homework day! Since I'd completely ditched it on Saturday, I had to make up for it somehow. :(

So, really, there's not much to tell... Got up at 10am (yes, yes, keep your mocking surprise to yourself, thank you. :p), did homework till 4pm (more or less), debated going up the mountain again but decided against it and finished the day off with a movie. :)

Wow, I think that was the shortest description of one of my days yet. :p Sorry! But in my defence, it was ungodly boring. :p

Day 22: Monday, March 16

Monday was, sadly, the first day that I had classes the whole day! D:

...Well, from 10.30 am 'till noon and then from 2pm 'till 5.30pm. :p But it counts!

In the morning I had my first German lesson! Our teacher's only 2 years older than me (younger than some of her other pupils! ;)) and she's great fun. :D It wasn't at alllll like the German lessons in high school. Hooray! \o/ Though I suspect that it'll be less fun once we get to the grammar parts. :(

But, for today, es war ganz nett! :D After that, I had 2 hours off so I decided to go back home. It's only 10mins by bike, and I didn't really see the attraction of hanging around in school for 2 hours with nothing at all to do. :)

After lunch, back to school for more lessons. English this time, first 1.5 hours of didactics and then 1.5 hours of literature. Both were nice enough, though the didactics lesson focused maybe a little too much on the fun activities you can do introduce a topic, rather than how to actually teach it. Then again, especially for grammar, introduction is crucial, isn't it? :)

In all honesty, though, it was horror, sitting inside all afternoon. :( The weather was absolutely gorgeous today and I wanted to be outside! Desperately so! :( But, in the end, I didn't get to go. By the time class was done, it was 5.30pm and the sun was setting. I was hungry and I knew that by the time I was done eating, I'd only have half an hour or so to go up the mountain, so I decided to stay home. :)

But! Cristina agreed to lend me her camera (Nikon, infinitely better than mine) tomorrow and then I have the afternoon off! I'm sure the weather will cooperate (if it doesn't, I swear, I'm going to throw the bitchfit to end all bitchfits. :p) and I can go up! :D YAY! \o/

That's it, I think, nothing else of importance to note... So, I shall see you all next time. I'm guessing in about 2 or 3 days. When it will be weekend once more! \o/ (I know, it's almost decadent. :p But, I love it! :D)

Bis später, Schätzchen! ;)


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