About Me

My photo
Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 18 - 19: By order of.... ;)

I don't really have that much to tell, but I've been told I have to update, and I am nothing if not obedient... :p What? I am!

Day 18: Thursday, March 12

Thursday was the first day of the weekend, as it was blissfully free of any school acitivities. :D I think I'm going to start omitting the hours I get up, if only to prevent that the first word I hear upon coming home is "Lazy!". Use your imagination then. :p You should be well enough aware of my habits, by now!

After a brunch, I headed back to my room to do some cleaning. I know! Extraordinary! :D But my room was definitely in need of vacuuming. Turns out that if you don't put your stuff on the floor, Mom, the dust and crumbs and other things are much more visible. But I told you I'd keep my room clean! You and your silly worries. ;)

So after brunch in pyjama's and a refreshing shower, I put everything up and vacuumed the hell out of my floor! It was awesome! :D Go Team me!

Note to self: next time you clean, do a Before And After-special as proof for Doubtful Parties. :p

Of course, I was feeling so productive and good, that I turned on the laptop, fully intending to get a good headstart on my schoolwork.

Yeah, yeah, I can already hear your laughing. :p Clearly overly optimistic is another of my characteristics. :D Turned on IM, started talking to the Mom and before I knew it, it was 4:30pm, rather than 2pm. Oops! But even then, I was fully ready to shrug on the coat and scarf and head out to the store (was running low on foodstuffs), when I looked out the window.


Lots and lots of snow.

My life, so hard. :(

Of course, then there was nothing I could do but stay indoors and spend some time, uhm. Doing homework. :D (Read: noodling around online and reading for pleasure, rather than school. :p) The things I suffer because of this weather!

I should probably mention that the evening was pretty much filled with HAPPY for the following reasons:

- Werchter with Emmy and Gael = definitive! :D YAY!
- E-books of my favourite authors are AWESOME!
- Twilight out on DVD! More awesome! :D

Thatisall. /Thursday ;)

Day 19: Friday, March 13

Friday the 13th, oh noes! :p

Truthfully, I hadn't even noticed the date until I started typing this blog entry, which should probably tell you that my Friday the 13th wasn't filled with chaos, mayhem and disaster. :p

It was, however, a very productive day! Hah! Bet you weren't expecting that. :p

Started out at school, with a meeting with our future teacher for German For Beginners lessons. Her name's Kate and she's pretty cool. :D All signs point to awesomeness, so yay for that! Plus, it was relatively easy to find an open slot on our combined timetables, always a plus. :) I'm even looking forward to our lesson on Monday! Now there's something I didn't expect to happen ever again. Veerle, if you're reading this, I know! It feels strange for me too, looking forward to German lessons with out you! (Ahhhh Einkaufzettels. Those were the days. :D /private joke)

After the meeting, I planned (in all my productiveness) the store visit that had been thwarted yesterday. The weather is still lousy, but it had to be done!

The weather, by the way, which everyone keeps telling me is totally abnormal. Not that that does me any good. :( Don't tell me the weather is USUALLY better this time of year, but FIX IT! :(

Anyhoo, store. Turns out my list was so long, I had to do it in two times! Poor backpack is suffering. :p And I'm still short of water and milk. :( But they would absolutely NOT fit in my bag anymore and I wasn't about to go a third time. :p The Aldi (called Hofer over her) ladies were already looking at me like I was looney bin material, so. :p

After the store there was food, studies (some :p) and then, uhm. Scouring the internet for e-books! :D Nevermind that I have 4 books to read for school, looking for promising digital books is a much better pasttime. :p

And this concludes my last 2 days. :) Now I'm gonna do some more scouring, socializing and I really need to get to the kitchen and get a knife, before I start smearing peanut butter over these crackers with my fingers. :D

(Uh, for the record, I wouldn't. :p Ew. :p)

Auf wiedersehen! ;)


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