About Me

My photo
Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 57 - 67: Homework, cooking, homework, teaching, homework, hiking (!) and oh! more homework! :D

And to think I used to update this every 2-3 days. :/ Now I keep telling myself "Oh, it's only been a week! I've still got time!" XD Onwards!

Day 57: Tuesday, April 21

Very uneventful. In the morning, the trainee that was supposed to teach didn't show up (for the second time in a row. :| And without notifying the teacher!) so Prof. Wohlgemut had to, pretty much, pull a lesson out of her, er, magic hat. :| And you couldn't even tell! My hat's off to her. :)

In the evening there was a cooking adventure! :D I cannot for the life of me remember what it was we made, but there were 4 dishes and, lol, teachers came to eat it! XD It was pretty fun though, being able to cook in a huge and professional kitchen with every utensil you could possibly need! :D And the food was good! Impartial sources said so! And nobody puked and/or got poisoned! :D Win! :D

Edit: I found the menu! Here's what we cooked:

Spinatknödel (something difficult to explain with spinach)
Kasnocken (something equally difficult to explain with 4 kinds of cheese)
Schlutzkrapfen (Some kind of big ravioli with vegetables inside!)

Gemischter Salat

Apfelradel mit Preiselbeerschaum (so so good HOMG. :D)

Day 58 & 59: Wednesday, April 22 & Thursday, April 23

Wednesday was sleep-in-late day, as it usually is. :) I only have class at 1:45pm, so. ^-^ I also had a bit of a scare in the morning because, omg, my INTERNET wasn't working anymore! :o :o Cue panic! Luckily I was able to fix it. Or, rather, it fixed itself, cos when I came home from class it was working again. :D

During class, Kevin and I had the unfortunate duty to announce that, hey, next week's lesson (you know, the last one where you have the exam?), we can't come! :D Naturally, Mrs. Katzlinger wasn't very pleased about that and as such frowned a lot. But, the silver lining, this means that due to scheduling difficulties, we don't have to do the exam. :D We got a v. big replacement task, though. :( Which I am getting at. No, really. I am!

Thursday was probably the most productive day I've had in weeks! :D I was so proud of myself! :D Of course, I countered that by doing nothing at all over the weekend. Oops?

Anyhoo, Thursday! I taught! And it was cool! ...Okay, honestly, it wasn't the best lesson I've ever taught, but mostly that's because the kids were YOUNG (like 9-10years young!) and they barely knew ANYTHING! I mean, when one asks where France is and they point ount the UK...YEAH'S ALL I'M SAYIN! :p But all in all, it was okay. :) I taught them at least something and the teacher said I was really natural in front of the class, so. :D

After teaching I: went to the store, did laundry, cleaned my room and did a lot of homework! :D Mostly when I write on here that I did homework, I mean "attempted to do homework and mostly kind of failed a little." :D But on Thursday I didn't mostly kind of fail a litte! :D Go Team Me! \o/

Day 60 - 62: Friday, April 24 - Sunday, April 26

Since I wrote a novella about the twodays above and since this is going to be a long as hell journal entry already, allow me to some up my weekend in a sentence. :D A sentece I was pretty much thinking throughout the whole weekend, even! :p

"Ooooh boy, I should really do some homework. ...Ah well, let's laze about and read instead!" :D

Because, and you should know this already, that's how I roll. :)

Day 63 - 65: Monday, April 27 - Wednesday, April 29

On Monday, my second Kreativmodul started! You may remember, I did one before, we made toys, etc etc? That one was fun. Three half days and the week was over! \o/ This one was also rather fun, but less easy. :p We went to a couple of nearby villages to explore the geography, history and biology of those places. :)

On Monday we went to Thaur, which is this really cute village nearby! :D It mostly survives because it is home to the largest vegetable farm in pretty much the whole of Tyrol. :D So, a cutesy little town surrounded by farmland. :D Was almost like home. :p We started with a walk through the town and then we hiked up the mountains. :D It was nice, if a little tiring. :) Gorgeous view and all. :) I have some pictures, I'll try and post them here soon. ^-^

On Tuesday we went to Hall in Tirol, which is a very old town and v. v. beautiful. It became important in the 1100s or so because of the salt that can be found in the mountains very near. :) It reminded me a lot of Bruges, actually, though it's a lot smaller. (Which is saying something because the old town center of Bruges? Not very large!) In the morning we walked through the town, talking about the history of it and such. V. interesting though probably less so for all the geographers in our party. :D

After the walk, we paired up and had to make a city search thing! You know, like, you put numbers on a map and every number has a question attached to it and then you have to go all over town, trying to solve the questions? :) (We didn't get to do the searches until the next day, but making it was fun too! :D Even though Manuela and I were practically sleeping and our questions weren't great. :p)

After that, we changed teachers and in the afternoon we went with this crazy Biology professor, doing things like sketching the mountains and walking along the river, identifying plants ("This plant is especially known because you can also smoke it!" "Is it pot? :D" "...no, it's not.") and composing a poem about the river since it was "Kreativ"modul, so we had to be creative. I know. :p

Pretty funny is also that it turns out that the afternoon professor, Professor Hofer, came to KHBO (my school in Belgium) last year! :D So now I'm under oath to bring across "Liebe Grüsse für die Miranda" when I get home. (I'm assuming Miranda is the Bio teacher. :p)

Wednesday started again with the crazy Bio prof, prof. Hofer. We were supposed to go hiking again but the weather was ghastly so we stayed at school, teaming up to make a report on the nature surrounding the river Inns and how the salt ended up in the mountains. (Unfortunately, as all the reading was in German, I only caught about half of it. My German has definitely improved a lot since I got here (hooray!) but not that much. :p)

In the afternoon we first exchanged the city searches between groups (you could hardly do your own search, after all) and then set out to solve them. :D Ours was pretty easy, and we got everything right! After that, we went to the Bergbaummuseum which was about the salt mines. Which, in all honesty? Was pretty much wasted money because I couldn't understand A THING that guide was saying. :| Of course, afterwards, when the prof. asked us how we found it, we smiled nicely and said we caught most of it. :p After the museum we went for a drink and an Apfelstrüdel (which, homg, yum! &hearts_♥) and then homewards!

Day 66 - 67: Thursday, April 30 & Friday, May 1

On Thursday (yesterday) I woke up with a horrible headache. :( I'd been having them all week, possibly because I'm chronically bad at going to bed at a decent hour. Painkillers are my friends. :D Anyhoo, on Thursday, it was pretty bad. :/ Woke up, took a painkiller and went to bed again. Sleeeep, glorious sleeep. When I woke up properly again, it was about halfway in the afternoon and I felt better, so hooray for that. :) Did some homework, read some and went to bed rather late again. I will be better at that. I WILL. *resolved face*

And this morning, I was promptly woken up by the fucking town orchestra? Idk what else to call them, they're the "fanfare" in Dutch but in English... It's like a group of people walking around playing instruments? Often seen at important events?

Well APPARENTLY, May 1 is an important event here. It seems they go around and play the same diddly in front of every house and then expect to get MONEY for it. Most awful way I've been woken up since, pretty much ever! >:(

In other news, I can't believe it's May already. :| May is the month I LEAVE. :| :| It feels like only yesterday that we first arrived here. :| Very odd.

Plans for the day include making that replacement task for Mrs. Katzlinger. If I can finish that today (and I SHOULD be able to, if I work at a decent pace), I'll be happy. :) Then I can start worrying about all the other stuff I still have to do. :D

Oh, and happy May Day, Schätzis. ^-^

