About Me

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Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 23 - 24: Fia/Mountains OTP!

(For the unknowing, OTP means One True Pairing. Roughly translated from Internet English to Genuine English: I REALLY love the castle and the park and the nature. :D)

Day 23: Tuesday, March 17


Not that we noticed much of it here. :D There was, apparently (predictably) a party in the Irish Pubs in the evening, but me being the social recluse that I am, I didn't go. :p I'm going to have to try a little harder to convince people I'm a genuine Erasmus student, I think! :p Not much partying, making homework, reading...Not your typical Erasmusser. :p

Anyhoo, Tuesday! In the morning we had Praxis, which was surprising. Normally there would be 2 trainee's teaching, but it turned out they were ill, so the teacher decided to do a little impromptu research&present project. I remember thinking "that's all well and fine, but what are they going to research WITH?". Not a problem, apparently, for the Pädag! She just sent out 2 pupils and 2 minutes later they were back with their arms full of LAPTOPS!

Witness: my jaw hitting the floor.

No, seriously. Okay, they weren't the latest blitz model, but still! It was pretty surreal to see the pupils put a laptop on their desk and start researching in pairs. :p

After the Praxis, it was eaaarrrly and the weather was good so I made good on the promise I made myself! Fully in possession of Cristina's AWESOME camera, I headed up to the castle. :) And as predicted, took A LOT of pictures. :) I'll show you some here but for future reference, you can find them here

See above, re: rest of the pictures, go HERE. ^-^

After that it was, sadly, time for homeworks. :( School shizzle till about 6, dinner and then reading! :) Thus was my day, onto the next!

Day 24: Wednesday, March 18

Wednesday started pretty early! Relative of course, but I like to think 8:45 is not THAT late. :p Anyhoo, in the morning I caught up on some more homework, correcting stuff that we'd gotten back in class on Monday.

After lunch, Kevin and I headed over the the school early, to have a talk with Mrs. Egger (the Erasmus coördinator) mostly about our Praxis. We didn't really know how to work with the guidelines she'd given us for a portfolio, since those were the guidelines for the students actually teaching. But since we're just observing...

In true Pädag fashion, nothing was really resolved the first meeting. :p But Mrs. Egger asked us to return after class, and when we did, most things were solved. Good too, because Mrs. Egger is going to be in Portugal all next week so... :) I swear, it's a bitch to get things sorted out here, it's even worse than at home! :(

When I came home I still had (1) a few hours left before dinner and (2) Cristina's camera; so (you can guess already) more photography at the castle! :D

Have a look at the full album here, if you want. :) OR look at the exerpts below. ;)

Now I'm going to bed, oh my god when did it get so late! O_O I have to get up at an Ungodly Early Hour again tomorrow! D: Of course, it's for more fun reasons. :D A bunch of us are going up the mountains! And I mean genuinely! :D The others are going skiing/snowboarding, but since my knees are already protesting a bit against the slight up & down here, I decided skiing isn't a good idea for me (D:) so I'm tagging along to document the other's attempts and failures on camera! :D

Auf wiederhören, Schätzchen! ;)


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