About Me

My photo
Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 34 - 36: Dullsville all 'round, guys. Sorreh. :/

Day 34: Sunday, March 29

What did I do on Sunday, hmmmm. Mostly dull computery things, actually. Can be summed up into 3 words: Read. Write. Study. :D (Well sorta on that last.... I'm kidding! :p)

Oh, and I spent a while helping everybody getting their MAC-address. Turns our the Hausmeister was just a liiiittle bit too optimistic in thinking that everyone would find it easily. :p And as the only resident IT-student... (Thank you, IT lessons, for teaching me what it is and where to find it! :D)

I also spent some time selecting pictures to print out and send home. It's horribly expensive here, € 0,70 for one picture! Comparison: at home it's € 0,10. :p So I'm sending a load of pictures over the interwebz, to be printed at home und meine liebe Mutti sollte diese Foto's nach mir zurück senden. Or something, you get the gist. :p Liebe Muttie is the only important part anyway. ;)

And when I get them, the walls of my room will finally NOT be so bare anymore. White? Not my colour!

In all honesty, my life is sort of...dull here. :D Aside from the daily wild parties, of course, but this IS a school blog, so I can't really mention them... :p (Joking, obviously. :p)

Day 35: Monday, March 30

Exceptionally, my German teacher couldn't make it for the lessons on Monday morning, so I slept in 'till in an obscenely late hour! :D As I am wont to do, actually, I feel decadently lazy sometimes... :/

After that, it was off to school for English class. Arrived there well on time for class, only to realize it was CANCELLED. [insert grumpy face here] It was a little flash of home, sweet home. :p

All in all, it wasn't that bad, because it turned out Kevin and I had to do a presentation in the lesson afterwards. A presentation we hadn't really prepared. :/

In the end we were left off the hook anyhow, mostly because the teacher (who is just. plain. weird. seriously. :/) had given us an assignment which was basically the same as 2 of the other groups. >.< So we'd go to the front and basically say the same things that had already been said. Uncool, Mrs. P. So we asked and got a new assignment, yay!

In the evening we had class till 7pm! Kate couldn't teach in the morning, so we put it in the evening. :) We've moved on to grammar now. :( It's hard. :( RESPECT for Frau Plovier, my highschool German teacher, because a lot more stuck from her drilling than I expected. :)

Kate also told us that she got a job after Easter Break, meaning we'd have to try and put all our remaining lessons this week. So a v. v. busy week for me! :)

Day 36: Tuesday, March 31

Tuesday was Praxisday as usual. Meaning it was hard to get up, because I slept horribly. :( I also had to remind myself 6737459435836959 times that I WASN'T allowed to forget leaving my sheets out. Every three weeks, the Hausmeister's wife washes them. I forgot last time. :( I didn't this time though! Y halo thar, fresh new sheets. :D

Also today: observing lessons. Shan't regale you with a report this time, I'm sure you're not interested. (It was pretty bad actually. :/ Rather painful to observe. :/)

And in the afternoon we had: more German! And we're doing die Fälle now. (Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ and Genitiv) It is horrible. :( BUT for our last lesson on Thursday, we're going on a field trip to the store and the bar. For educational purposes!

In conclusion: MY LIFE, SO HARD! (Not really.)

I hope everyone everywhere is still doing okay! :) Easter Hols are about to start and everyone's going home here, so it'll just be me and, like, 2 other people here. Will be odd. :/ Have a nice break, and you're always welcome to come visit me! :p

Ciao! :)


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 30 - 34: Dullness, trouble in the house and Vienna

I'm afraid this week has been rather... dull. :/ But, it is my duty to inform you, no matter how dull, so here I am! :p

Day 30: Tuesday, March 24

On Tuesday morning there was Praxis in the morning, as usual. It was pretty interesting, there was a trainee teaching, a first year. His first lesson wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either. Kind of neutral. Funny to see, though, how he made the exact same mistakes I remember making. :)

Also quite amusing was that the advice the teacher gave him during the meeting afterwards was the same that any teacher at home would give. :D It could have been a comment one of my lessons, except for the fact that it was in German, of course. ;)

Luckily the guy had 2 lessons, so he got another shot at teaching the same lesson, and the second time was much much better. :) Yay for improvement!

That lasted till around lunch and the afternoon was, unfortunately, homework time. That's been the theme of the week, pretty much. It's just like home, teachers realize that Easter holiday is coming and poof! Let's cram as much assignments as possible in there still! :D

I also did some research on Vienna. I'm usually not of the "plan trips out in detail" sort but I can't quite go there and wander for 4 days, I'm afraid. I don't think I'd see much besides the inside of the local Starbucks. :p My choices so far are:

- Schönbrunn Palace
- Belvedere Museum (Featuring Klimt's The Kiss, among others!)
- Wiener Staatsoper
- Stephansdom

I'm still looking. :D Of course shopping will be necessary as well, so I've already made a handy Word doc listing the major shopping streets. :D And I've looked up all the Starbucks in the area and how far from my hotel they are. :p

Day 31: Wednesday, March 25

Wednesday morning was spent reading, as per usual. :) Classes only started at 2:45pm so there was plenty of time in the morning. I had wanted to go to the trainstation to pick up my ticket to Vienna, first, but alas. Slept a little later than expected and then read far too long. :/ But class was only till 4:15pm, so I could easily go after! :D

Which I happily did. :) Got on the bicycle, headed towards the trainstation and, after some very confused railway service employees and some rather bad German from my part, I had my ticket! :D YAY! After that, I foolishly decided to take a stroll through one of the shopping streets. I passed by my favourite coffe shop for a Double Hazelnut Shot Hot Chocolate (quite a mouthful, but SO. GOOD.) and ambled on. :D Unfortunately, at the end of that particular shopping street is That Bookstore I've surely already mentioned before.

Anyone who's ever been been shopping with me and who has seen my...preoccupation with bookstores, will understand why this is bad. :p Yup, I went in, and yup, I came out with more additions to my collection. XD I cannot help it! They shouldn't be so cheap! The choices this time were:

- Book 1 and 2 of the Twilight Saga. (I know. :p Shut up. :p)
- A Tale Of Two Cities (Dickens)

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to resist the place until the rest of my stay here, so I've made a deal with myself. If I can wait until the first of May to go back, I'm allowed to buy the other 2 Twilight books. :D

After That Bookstore, I felt quite inspired, so I came home and I wrote quite a bit more of my story. Of course, by 'quite a bit' I mean about 4 pages in Word, but SHUSH. :p

Coming home, there was also an unpleasant surprise. It turned out that the housemaster had finally had enough of some of the people here being unable to do their dishes. :/ There was a sheet on the door of the kitchen that from that night onwards the kitchen would be locked at 9pm. And if that didn't help, then the common room would be locked as well... :/

I can kind of understand why the housemaster would do that (the dishes thing was *really* getting ridiculous) but on the other hand, I really don't think that this is a good way to solve things... We'll see, I guess.

Oh, and Mom and me booked my hotel room for Vienna! YAY! :D

All in all, it was a very normal day and honestly, it didn't even register that I'd now been in Innsbruck for exactly one month. :)

Day 32: Thursday, March 26

Thursday morning was off to a very conspicuous start. Kevin overslept! (Too much partying the night before, perhaps? :p) I went to knock on his door at 7:50am and he opened all bleary-eyed and pissy, wondering what I was doing, it was quite amusing. Also funny was the look on his face when I said "Praxis?". (I mentioned that quite nicely for that time of morning, even if I do say so myself! )

The problem was that he knew where we had to go and I didn't. He, apparently, also knew we had to go earlier, but he didn't tell me, so we arrived late. Luckily the teacher wasn't angry at all. :)

The Praxis on Thursday was also given by trainees and since it was English, it was a lot easier to understand! It was a good lesson, and the meeting afterwards was nice too. Our opinions were valued and our suggestions appreciated, which is always a plus. :) Also, the teacher asked us if we'd be up to teaching a lesson about Belgium after the Easter break, so that should be fun. :D We'll get to introduce our chocolate and our fries, hooray! \o/

Over lunch break I went home and wrote and planned quite a bit of my story. Yay for writing and yay for people helping me. ^-^ I might even actually finish this thing. :D

After lunch we had German class again. Which was, unfortunately, really really damn confusing. Most of us were sitting there, going "O_O ...huh?". Which Kate (the teacher) felt pretty bad about. :/ So she's gonna try another approach on Monday, which will hopefully clear things up a little more. :D

Day 33: Friday, March 27

Friiiiday. Hmmm. Right, in the morning, we had a meeting at the Pädag, about Erasmus Activities. Turns out they're going to make us COOK. That'll be a disaster on my part, I'm sure. :p But hey, it could be fun. :D We're cooking a Tirolean dinner. And they're expecting us to make a typical Belgian food thing as well. :/ :/ :/ Any suggestions? :p It's supposed to be small, so we'll have to rule out steak and fries. Fries alone might work, though... Hmmm. Something to ponder.

By the time we were home again it was about lunch, I think, and I had to do some homework, sadly. :( But the weather was so so nice, and I just couldn't resist! Me and Cristina took our books and some blankets and went out into the backyard to read in the sun. :D And it was glorious. :D

There was another rather unpleasant surprise when we came back inside, though. :( The Internet here works through proxy settings and everything, I'm not going to explain it all, but the gist of it is that you have to enter your room number into your IP address and that every room number gets 1GB a day of bandwith. Which is quite a lot, much more than I was expecting, to be honest.

But as the observant among you may see, you have to set these settings yourself. Meaning that it's quite easy to change the room number and use someone else's Internet if 1GB a day isn't enough for you. (Meaning: if you're an ass and want more.) And some people have been doing just that. The problem is that if a certain room goes over 1GB, then the internet is just closed off, no matter who downloaded too much. So if you're using up someone else's Internet, then at some point in the evening, they won't have any internet anymore! Very uncool.

The housemaster obviously wants to control this, so now everyone has to write down their room number and the physical address (MAC-address) of their computer. That way he can identify who is downloading from which room and can see who is downloading from a room that isn't theirs. A good solution, I think, but I do wish it hadn't been necessary. People can be such dimwitted losers sometimes. :(

In the evening, we had a little mini-party in the common room and some tomfoolery (I love that word) occured. :D Due to privacy issues, this information can sadly not be disclosed. :p (Bet you're all real sad about that! :p) But fun was definitely had. :D

Day 34: Saturday, March 28

Which is today. :D I got up at 8, very unusual for me, indeed. IDK who sleeps above me but apparently they're very fond of getting up early on certain Saturdays and waking up those who sleep below. :( But, on the other hand, it means that I could do quite a few things before lunch, hooray. Finished my book, updated this blog, and went downstairs only to discover the kitchen was still closed!

I do hope that the housemaster isn't planning on leaving it closed till after noon, my food's in there! And the only things I have in my room are crackers and peanut butter. (Dutch peanut butter, btw, I had to buy a new jar. It's not bad, but *very* sweet. Clearly the Dutch have strange tastes. :p)

Plans for the day include: shower, homework, reading. May go outside because the weather is very nice once again, but then again, wind is going insane so maybe not. :)

That's it! Up to date again, and I should really try to not let this thing get out of hand so much. :/ But in my defence, it was a reasonably busy week!

Anyhoo, auf wiedersehen, Schätzis! :)


Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 25 - 29: I know, I know! Or, alternately, Warning! Crazy ahead! Read at own risk! :D

Right right right, oh my GOD, I am so bad at this. It's so strange, because I love writing in a blog! :D It's so much fun, and a good way to get rid of the excess brain activities. :p

My apologies, however, for the delay, Meine Schätzchen. :/ I might have to be brief, though (if that's even possible. Brevity? Not my forte.), because it's 10:30pm and if I don't do this now, I'll have to do it tomorrow and then it'll be SIX days and.

Right. Remember what I said about brevity? Yeah. :p Onwards!

Day 25: Thursday, March 19

Today, I completely and utterly overslept. Which might have been because I was up till, uhm, very late, reading. (I seem to get around to a fair bit more reading here than at home. It's very pleasant.) It was, unfortunately, also pretty much the worst day I could have chosen to oversleep! Because we were going to Axamer Lizum today, which is a- damn, what's the word. Skiplace? Place to go for skiing? Whatever, you get my drift. :p

Since bad knees run in the family, and mine are already not very happy with it being more up & down here than at home, I decided not to risk any serious injury and opted for tagging along as Resident Photographer. :D I took a million million pictures, which you can find here. :) Be warned there are several pictures that will make you go "why would she take a picture of THAT? :|". :p Some excerpts below!

Kevin snowboarding. Kind of anyway!

Cristina falling. :D

Kevin falling. :p


Cristina: "YES! I CAN KEEP MY BALANCE! Well, sort of."

Sun rising above pretty pretty mountains. (Not really rising, but I can pretend it was hideously early with this picture! :p)

The whole group! Left to right: Alex, Marketa, Eva, Mr. Kirschner, Cristina, Kevin, Veerle and crouching is Mrs. Lechner. :)

Meeting @ train station! Left to right: Kevin, Veerle, Eva, Marketa and Cristina

When we take a break from skiing, obviously we do it PROPERLY. :D Which is to say, with alcohol. (I had a hot chocolate. I did!)

Mr. Kirschner, the Gym teacher, with Cristina's beer. :D

Alex, Kevin's "WTF?"-face and Veerle, the only normal one on this picture. :p

Cristina succeeding in snowboarding! :D

Pretty pretty rocks. :)

Lunch break! Or, The One Where They're All Eating. :p

My lunch, Frankfürter and a pathetic Austrian attempt at fries. ...okay they were not THAT bad, but I'm still making my dad stop at my favourite place for fries on the way home. :p

Sight of the city! (The city being Innsbrück, for the people with a disability :p unknowing among you. :D)

More pretty pretty mountains, this time obscured by a snowstorm. (I know! Up on a mountain in a SNOWSTORM! 't was horrible. :( )

Alex obviously approves. :p Of what, I'm not quite sure. :p

Mountains. :) Fia/Lindsey ♥ nature. :)

~Mysterious~ path in the woods... :p

I don't think Alex likes his meal all that much. :p Left to right: Mr. Kirschner, Alex, Mrs. Lechner.

And a picture of my place to stay, for good measure. :) Tiroler Lehrerhaus, everyone! :D

All in all, it was a lot of fun, and the others are definitely going back. :) Myself, I'm not so sure. It was nice being there that time, sure, and the surroundings are gorgeous. But not being able to ski, it might get dullll. Idk, I'll see. I did see some guys and girls doing some pretty nifty tricks, so maybe I'll go next time and ask if I can photograph them. :D

In the evening nothing huge passed, except the Czech girls suggested we hold a kind of mini-party at our house for all the other Erasmussers, which Kevin and I both thought was a good idea. :) Party on Saturday, hooray!

Oh wait, no. I did laundry after the skiing day and then discovered the racks were gone! Problem! My laundry had to dry after all. So I had no choice but to hang up strings of rope all round my room and hang the laundry up there. See Pictoral Evidence!

This is how my room looked with all the laundry. My life, so hard. :(

Not the most fun thing, since it meant my room smelled funny and the air was so humid I couldn't sleep. :( Ended up sleeping with the window open, even though it was SNOWING outside. But, oddly enough, it didn't bother me too much. :)

Day 26: Friday, March 20

Friday was homework day! ...ish, anyway. :/ It was fairly amusing to see Kevin (who had attempted to learn to snowboard the day before) moaning about everywhere. :D Sore muscles suck, huh?

After a meagre attempt for homework, the iron and ironing board resurfaced and I set about doing some housework! It was fun though, and I am infinitely pleased that I can tell people just how WRONG they were when they said a slob like me would never be able to keep her room clean and do laundry and cook. More power to me, suckers! :p

Anyhoo, I will admit that the ironing took forever, but that was mostly because I was being exceptionally slow with it on purpose. :p I had the brilliant idea to stream Studio Brussels over the Internetz too, which was awesome. (For the foreigners, Studio Brussels in my fave radio station in Belgium. :D) I kinda missed it and as such thought myself quite dumb for not having thought of live streaming earlier. :D AND THEN I had the gradiose idea that StuBru allows you to e-mail them and will mention the best stories out loud! So I e-mailed Ayco (the host) and, HOMG I WUZ ON THA RADIO U GUYZ. :D :D It was made of win and sparkles and awesome. :D Except the fact that she totally mispronounced my name, but whatever. :D

After ironing, I went shopping for food at the huge mall and upon return, I think I read some more. Or hung out in the common room downstairs. Either or both, don't quite remember. :)

Day 27: Saturday, March 21

Saturday can be summed up into 4 words, actually. The Da Vinci Code.

I hadn't read it before, had acquired an e-book and decided to give it a go. Big mistake. BIG mistake. Huge! :p

It is a good mystery, y'all, you can't deny that. And, well. Let's just say that if curiosity kills the cat, I probably have a pile of cat bodies in my backyard. :D (...that sounded way less gross and possibly psychopathic in my head. :|) So yeah, I am VERY curious and I pretty much got SUCKED into that book and my Saturday can be described like so:

"READ READ READ READ MUST READ ON. Oh damn, I have social obligations. ...Do I have to? Okay okay, fiiiiine! *hangs out at party for a few hours* Oh, hey, look, I'm going to bed but it's only 2am... Surely I can read a little bit before bed, right?"

Yes. :p Because, my friends, that's how I roll. And I even finished it that same night! Around 4am, I think it was? I don't remember very, uh, clearly. I wonder why...

I was going to stop here, but I just remembered an anecdote about the party I have to share, because it's so typical for life here! :D The party was in good swing, Erasmussers mixing with our housemates, when something hilarious happened. This dude stumbled in, asking about a hostel nearby but none of us knew where it was. The conversation went like this:

GUY: You guys know where there's a hostel in the Amrasser Strasse?
ALEX (already quite. Well. Drunk. :p): Dude, no. :|
GUY: Damn! And I came all prepared for a party too! *pulls bottle of whiskey out*

No, seriously, caps and all. :p Alex is fun (if a little like a hobo) but, Christ, he's loud! So basically, a complete stranger (Basti was his name) hung around in our common room for a few hours. For no reason whatsoever. :p

Note to self: for further social ventures? TAKE BOOZE. Helps every time. :D

Day 28: Sunday, March 22

Predictably, after reading till 4am, I slept till noon. Quite literally, actually. :D It was 12 sharp when I woke up. :D

Look, maybe now you'll understand why I sleep so late? :p I have a hard time going to bed early in the evenings, and this requires SOME compensation. Otherwise I'd fall over! (I already do that regularly, but that's due to my lack of balance, not my lack of consciousness. :D) Maybe you can be a bit more kind now, before judging me as a lazy sod. :p Or, wait, a sod's a man. Sodette? Blast it all, you're picking up what I'm putting down, so. (TBS Reference! :D)

Let me take this moment to shout out a personal message, exquisitely crafted to inspire an immense blush. :D EMMY, MEINE KOMISCHESE FÄRHERIN, I LOVE YOU. :D And you are amazing for putting up with my craziness. V. cool. ♥ ♥

Right, back to our usually scheduled program. What was I going on about again? Right, right, Sunday and laziness. :D In the afternoon, I did more schoolwork and then, well. Spent most of the time expanding my e-book collection. :D It was very ftw. (for the win)

See? I just summed up my whole Sunday in, what. 3 Sentences? I CAN BE BRIEF, HOORAY! :D

Day 29: Monday, March 23

As you may remember, Monday is the dullest day of the week. We have classes in the morning and afternoon. And the theme of the day was: LATE! At least in the afternoon, where I was horribly late the first time and only skidded in just in time the second. :/

The other remarkable thing that happened is that I was KIDNAPPED. :o

Not really, but this crazy Gym teacher who helps out with Erasmus pretty much dragged me to his office to look over one of his Word documents and telling me to fix it, while he made off with my USB-stick to get some pictures. I say, what? :| And the Word doc was a MESS, sry2say. :/ I'm not cleaning that thing up unless I get credits for it, seriously. It would take HOURS.

Classes were fun. Ish. :D I got my short story back and the teacher was v. v. pleased! YAY! Now I just have to finish the bloody thing. :/ :/

OH, and in the evening I had a chat with ze Mutti, and it was decided that I would amble over to Vienna for a couple of days during Easter Hols! :D It's only 17 euros by train, so kind of a bargain! :D I'm going by myself, sadly, but well. I was thinking about Firenze first, but then decided that perhaps Italy on my own was a little too ambitious, hmmm? :) VIENNA, HERE I COME! \o/

And lookit, I'm done! :D

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for all the craziness in the blog entry, seriously. I think I'll tack on a disclaimer. :| I'm just feeling exceptionally...well. crazy, tonight, I guess? :p And it shows? :D This would be the mood where I twirl around school and hug everyone. :D Yeah, you know, that kind of mood, I'm sure you rememeber. :p (Those that I go to school with, anyhow. :D)

So, I'm just going to close this off now and hope that I haven't scared you off too much? :D Okay? Okay. Great. :D

Also, einen guten Nacht, mein Schätzchen, und auf wiederhören! :D


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 23 - 24: Fia/Mountains OTP!

(For the unknowing, OTP means One True Pairing. Roughly translated from Internet English to Genuine English: I REALLY love the castle and the park and the nature. :D)

Day 23: Tuesday, March 17


Not that we noticed much of it here. :D There was, apparently (predictably) a party in the Irish Pubs in the evening, but me being the social recluse that I am, I didn't go. :p I'm going to have to try a little harder to convince people I'm a genuine Erasmus student, I think! :p Not much partying, making homework, reading...Not your typical Erasmusser. :p

Anyhoo, Tuesday! In the morning we had Praxis, which was surprising. Normally there would be 2 trainee's teaching, but it turned out they were ill, so the teacher decided to do a little impromptu research&present project. I remember thinking "that's all well and fine, but what are they going to research WITH?". Not a problem, apparently, for the Pädag! She just sent out 2 pupils and 2 minutes later they were back with their arms full of LAPTOPS!

Witness: my jaw hitting the floor.

No, seriously. Okay, they weren't the latest blitz model, but still! It was pretty surreal to see the pupils put a laptop on their desk and start researching in pairs. :p

After the Praxis, it was eaaarrrly and the weather was good so I made good on the promise I made myself! Fully in possession of Cristina's AWESOME camera, I headed up to the castle. :) And as predicted, took A LOT of pictures. :) I'll show you some here but for future reference, you can find them here

See above, re: rest of the pictures, go HERE. ^-^

After that it was, sadly, time for homeworks. :( School shizzle till about 6, dinner and then reading! :) Thus was my day, onto the next!

Day 24: Wednesday, March 18

Wednesday started pretty early! Relative of course, but I like to think 8:45 is not THAT late. :p Anyhoo, in the morning I caught up on some more homework, correcting stuff that we'd gotten back in class on Monday.

After lunch, Kevin and I headed over the the school early, to have a talk with Mrs. Egger (the Erasmus coördinator) mostly about our Praxis. We didn't really know how to work with the guidelines she'd given us for a portfolio, since those were the guidelines for the students actually teaching. But since we're just observing...

In true Pädag fashion, nothing was really resolved the first meeting. :p But Mrs. Egger asked us to return after class, and when we did, most things were solved. Good too, because Mrs. Egger is going to be in Portugal all next week so... :) I swear, it's a bitch to get things sorted out here, it's even worse than at home! :(

When I came home I still had (1) a few hours left before dinner and (2) Cristina's camera; so (you can guess already) more photography at the castle! :D

Have a look at the full album here, if you want. :) OR look at the exerpts below. ;)

Now I'm going to bed, oh my god when did it get so late! O_O I have to get up at an Ungodly Early Hour again tomorrow! D: Of course, it's for more fun reasons. :D A bunch of us are going up the mountains! And I mean genuinely! :D The others are going skiing/snowboarding, but since my knees are already protesting a bit against the slight up & down here, I decided skiing isn't a good idea for me (D:) so I'm tagging along to document the other's attempts and failures on camera! :D

Auf wiederhören, Schätzchen! ;)


Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 20 - 22: Scenery, homework and the first full day of classes! Well, sort of...

Day 20: Saturday, March 14

Or: The One Where The Weather Took Me Up The Mountains.

Yes! You heard it right! I went hiking! :D So very against my nature, but I was sitting at my desk, and doing homework. And then I looked outside. And back at my homework. And back outside.

And then I gave up and left! :D The weather was so nice, I couldn't justify staying inside. :D

We live near a small caste (Schloss Amras) and I'd heard that it was very pretty up there so I took my camera and went on my way. And you know what? It was gorgeous. Seriously. :) Naturellement, I took a huge load of pictures, so prepare yourself for an onslaught of scenery! :D (20 pictures in total, of the 114 I took. :D)

Hope you enjoyed that. :) Lord knows it was hard enough to pick. :p I can't really describe how the forest and the castle were, just. Oh so beautiful. :D It's such an amazing experience to walk around there by myself, with my music keeping me company. :) I can wait to go up there again! :D With a better camera, hopefully. ^-^

So, that was Saturday afternoon!

Saturday evening we (most of the Erasmussers) went out for a drink in the city. :) Marketa's sister was in town for the weekend and she obviously wanted to experience the nightlife! It was fun, we went to a pub near das Goldenes Dachel. ;) Where, to our mortification, a few strange Polish men bought roses for us from a local salesman. :| And then they came to sit at our table! Luckily, our frosty attitude scared them off soon enough. :p And I got a couple of pretty flowers out of it! They are now drying in my room, which means my room smells like roses! Yay!

Now, on to Sunday...

Day 21: Sunday, March 15

Sunday was homework day! Since I'd completely ditched it on Saturday, I had to make up for it somehow. :(

So, really, there's not much to tell... Got up at 10am (yes, yes, keep your mocking surprise to yourself, thank you. :p), did homework till 4pm (more or less), debated going up the mountain again but decided against it and finished the day off with a movie. :)

Wow, I think that was the shortest description of one of my days yet. :p Sorry! But in my defence, it was ungodly boring. :p

Day 22: Monday, March 16

Monday was, sadly, the first day that I had classes the whole day! D:

...Well, from 10.30 am 'till noon and then from 2pm 'till 5.30pm. :p But it counts!

In the morning I had my first German lesson! Our teacher's only 2 years older than me (younger than some of her other pupils! ;)) and she's great fun. :D It wasn't at alllll like the German lessons in high school. Hooray! \o/ Though I suspect that it'll be less fun once we get to the grammar parts. :(

But, for today, es war ganz nett! :D After that, I had 2 hours off so I decided to go back home. It's only 10mins by bike, and I didn't really see the attraction of hanging around in school for 2 hours with nothing at all to do. :)

After lunch, back to school for more lessons. English this time, first 1.5 hours of didactics and then 1.5 hours of literature. Both were nice enough, though the didactics lesson focused maybe a little too much on the fun activities you can do introduce a topic, rather than how to actually teach it. Then again, especially for grammar, introduction is crucial, isn't it? :)

In all honesty, though, it was horror, sitting inside all afternoon. :( The weather was absolutely gorgeous today and I wanted to be outside! Desperately so! :( But, in the end, I didn't get to go. By the time class was done, it was 5.30pm and the sun was setting. I was hungry and I knew that by the time I was done eating, I'd only have half an hour or so to go up the mountain, so I decided to stay home. :)

But! Cristina agreed to lend me her camera (Nikon, infinitely better than mine) tomorrow and then I have the afternoon off! I'm sure the weather will cooperate (if it doesn't, I swear, I'm going to throw the bitchfit to end all bitchfits. :p) and I can go up! :D YAY! \o/

That's it, I think, nothing else of importance to note... So, I shall see you all next time. I'm guessing in about 2 or 3 days. When it will be weekend once more! \o/ (I know, it's almost decadent. :p But, I love it! :D)

Bis später, Schätzchen! ;)
