About Me

My photo
Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Almost there!

It's getting more and more towards that day!

This time 8 days from now, Kevin and I will be in the beautiful (and really damn cold: -5°C this morning, Jesus!) Tirol! :) I am ridiculously excited, though I have to teach for another 4 days before.

Also ridic. excited about the goodbye party, which is lame, I know this. Whatever. :D

Uh, to report some actual news: Kevin and I have finally secured ourselves a place to stay! It looks a little like our student rooms in Belgium do: a lot of rooms in one building, one kitchen per floor. Not too clear on the bathroom presence yet, but I can deal with sharing a shower. I think. :p

Still no news as to what we'll actually be DOING there, though. You gotta love KHBO and their superb ways of keeping you informed. :D /sarcasm

That's it for now. For those whose training starts tomorrow: good luck! We can do this. :)



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