About Me

My photo
Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria

Hi, and welcome to my blog! :D

I made this blog to be able to keep everyone updated on, as it says, my adventures while studying in Austria. :) I apologize for the Englishness (those who know me will not be surprised), but there are a quite a few non-Dutch speakers that wanted to keep up with me and I wasn't really up for writing every post in both languages... My apologies! :)

That said, have a look around, drop me a comment and enjoy! ;)

PS: © for the header to Melora @ deviantArt. I'm not that good of an artist, sorry. ;)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 68 - 80: Deadlines! Deadlines! Deadlines!

I think we're just gonna have to admit defeat, guys. :p Because honestly, I doubt I'm going to get any better at this in the last 2 weeks that I'm staying here. :p

Huh, two weeks. Feels so strange. On the one hand it feels like I've been here for forever, and on the other hand it feels like flying in (in that awful weather!) was only yesterday. :/ And don't even get me started on whether or not I wanna go home. :p

Fair warning, I can't really guarantee for the interestingness of this post, mostly now that the end is in sight, it also means deadlines! deadlines! deadlines! :( My life so hard. :(

Day 68 - 69: Saturday, May 2 & Sunday, May 3

Now, let me check Facebook to see exactly what I did those days... :p What, my memory's shoddy, okay? :p ...Ah right! I don't even know why I'm still surprised. The biggest part of Saturday was spent doing (wait for it. wait for it....) HOMEWORK! Hah, bet you weren't expecting that! :p I have to shamefully admit that it will be a recurring theme, though for once NOT because I slacked off during the year and now have to sacrifice sleep to get everything done in time. :D Simply because I only got the assignments and/or material v. late. :( My life so hard. :( (A catchphrase? What's this catchphrase you speak of? :p)

Saturday eve I made plans to go out with housemates (because of course I have to decide to be all social when I don't have TIME fot it. >_<), but due to some miscommunication, we couldn't find them. :D So in the end Kevin and I went out for a drink by ourselves, which was also nice. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do when I'd been having phenomenal headaches due to lack of sleep through the whole week before and they'd only disappeared that day. But then, when am I ever known for doing the right thing. XD

On Sunday Kevin and I ambled over to a housemates place for an assignment we were supposed to do together. :) After that I enjoyed the lovely weather and did some more homework. Multi-tasking ftw! :D

Day 70 - 73: Monday, May 4 - Wednesday May 6

Monday was spent once more, studying. I had a text/exam-ish thing on Wednesday and though I only had to study 5 sheets, it was (firstly) 5 sheets of gramma theory (which I am phenomenally bad at! :D) and (secondly) 5 sheets of confusing grammar theory. No, seriously, half the time I couldn't understand what I had to do, simply because I didn't understand what she was asking! How am I supposed to know what the goddamn accusative in English, is, I barely even know what it is in German! :(

Monday was also spent arranging some things with KHBO who finally realized that, oh, hey, I'm not going to be there for classes. (Nevermind the fact that I told them this.) Excuse me my bitching, but I can't help being here and they were supposed to know so getting pissed off at me is not going to help anyone! >:(

On Tuesday I had Praxis in the morning, where the trainee once more stood up the teacher. How that woman doesn't explode I will never understand. :/ Anyhoo, after Praxis we had a little break and then another Erasmus activity: Tirolean singing and dancing! Lol, you guys, I learned how to YODEL. XD

The dancing was neat. The singing? Not so much. Though it reminded me of The Sound Of Music: High on a hill was a lonely goatherd, Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo, and so on and so forth. :D Damn, I need to watch that movie again. :D

Tuesday evening was spent once more studying, as was Wednesday morning when I didn't have any classes. Wednesday was a pretty busy day actually: studying in the morning, then off to school to print out a load of tasks, hand them in, go to class and go to the test. I'm not quite sure how I did but, meh. We'll see, right? I think I passed but then again, you never know. :(

After that I was so pleased it was over I celebrated with ICE CREAM! There's this ice cream parlour nearby? Homg so good. (For the Bruges people: better than the Da Vinci! :D) After that, us girls went to a 90s party, while the guys stayed at home and watched soccer. (Barcelona - Chelsea, historical match, bla bla)

Day 74 - 77: Thursday, May 07 - Monday, May 11

Of course, of all the days I was NOT allowed to oversleep, I overslept. Cue a lot of cussing and feeling bad. :/ Because I had an obligation that morning and not being there meant I would have to move everything a week, which meant that I'd be skirting it really close to the deadlines for some things. :/

But alas, nothing I could do so, yknow, I just sucked it up and dealt. :D I'm getting rather good at that, even if I do say so mahself. :D

In the afternoon I had an interview with one of the most important ICT dudes in Tyrol, so that was cool. He explained loadsa things to be, but the gist is that people here don't seem to be as fond of technical progression as folks are at home? Some of them prefer their overheadprojectors over a beamer, for christ's sake! :/ Anyhoo, after that he let me into one of their computer rooms and boy! Boy!

They have this interactive whiteboard that's completely different from the ones we have at home (Promethean is the brand) and BOY! He let me play with it for as long as I wanted to and it was amaaaaaaazing. :D Seriously, Promethean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SMARTBoard, imho. :D (For the full report, I can send you my ICT report about it! ;) )

After Thursday started the Weekend o' d00m. No, seriously, I can't tell you anything aside from "I watched some films for entertainment." and "I did homework." :/ We're inching closer to the end date of my stay here and it's pretty much unbelievably busy. :( Portofolio's, tasks, reports, etc etc. Great fun. And, of course, the pile of assignments for school at home. Thank you for that. *angry face* The only good thing was that over the weekend, the weather was pretty much amazing, so I always sacrificed my evenings to schoolwork to be able to lounge in the sun/get an icecream in the afternoon. Y halo thar, tan. :D

Oh, and I got my grades for the exam from last Wednesday! I passed! Giddy-up, hooray! :D Seriously, that exam was. UGH. Someone should teach that woman how to make an exam because OH HAI YOURS SUCKED. And the BEST PART? On MONDAY she e-mailed us that we were gonna have another exam on WEDNESDAY. Like "Please study 3/4 of your course by heart in less than 2 days. :D :D". I am not in the habit of insulting my teachers (try to avoid it, actually), but if I could? I would have "BITCH" tattooed on this ones forehead. AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT! Retarded old bat.

Day 79 - 80: Tuesday, May 12 & Wednesday, May 13

Tuesday morning: done done doooooone with history praxis! HOORAY. :D Ok, I will admit that I learned a lot and by the end of the ride I barely had problems understanding the teacher's German, but stilll, it felt good to actually be finished with something for a change! Small blessings, and stuff. :)

After that, twas back to the books for the literature exam on Wednesday, sadly. Interspersed with working on other assignments. :) I'm actually pretty on top of things re: school at the moment. (Note that I say pretty on top of things, I'm still me. :p) By which I mean: not on the verge of mindblowing panic. Yet. :D It's nice. :p

Uhhhh, Wednesday was the busiest day of the week. :) Get up, revise revise reviiiise like the WIND and then go do the exam. Which, by the way, was EQUALLY RETARDED as the other one last week. I mean, what's the point of teaching your students to analyse literature if you're not gonna give them the texts on the exam! Then you're just making them learn their course by heart, not giving them any skills whatsoever! The test was a joke. :( But hopefully a joke I passed! I suppose I'll know soon enough.

After the exam Kevin and I went back home to work on a presentation we have to give on Thursday (ie: tomorrow). Crime in Belgium. The excitement, it is killing me. :p

In the afternoon we first had a meeting with one of the teachers and then we went to cook! :) Remember how a couple weeks ago, I told you about us cooking Tyrolean dishes? Now we cooked dishes from our home countries. Which, of course, meant Belgian Fries. What else? :D And everyone LOVED them. :D (All together now: DUH!)

After that it was homeward bound and back to the crime presentation and now, I'm so off to bed. :) My apologies for the dullness of this entry, darlings, but time's short and all. :/

For the sake of being informed: you should probably only expect one more post. Maybe two? I have about a week of school left, then my parents are coming to pick me up and then it's HOME. Jesus, gonna be weird to be home again after all this time. :/ I dunn wanna. :(

But, I'll wax poetic about why I want to stay here and why I don't another time. :) I am so looking forward to next week's Monday. I promised myself that I wouldn't do any school work for my whole last week, mostly because 1) I won't have the time to and 2) for most of the week my parents will be here and it would be rather crass to ditch them for school, right? :p

ANYWAY. I'm out. :) Wiedersehen, Schatzi's. :D ♥
